Mach Discussion > Mach4 General Discussion

THC install

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I just bought a 5x10 Lockformer that recently had mach4 installed but no THC. It had an old air system to lift and lower the torch that I cant use because the balls it rides on will scratch the aluminum I cut. The fellow I bought it from said all of the stuff was there for THC which included a z motor and head but Im at a bit of a loss to wiring it and the limit switch. I has 2 Y motors and it is all run off a C11G board. Can anyone help? I can send all of the pictures. or whatever I just need to get this up and running. I tried to get the information as to who did the upgrade but the original owner wont respond. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank You in advance.

We can help you with this.  Please open a ticket:

I did open a ticket and it was no help. Was told to follow the directions in the manual. I have read them inside and out, sent photos etc. I have it wired so it goes up and down using mach4 but the limit switch doesnt activate. Im not sure if the issue is Mach4 or the C11G or the UC100. I dont know what needs to be activated or if this is even a realistic thing that I am trying to do. I mean I have run other tables that do this so I am at a loss here.

Do you have a ticket number?

FHN-44103, It was literally you 2 days ago.


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