Well I don't know about expert BUT I am persistant and my Wife says Stubborn so maybe that is GOOD?BAD? (;-) . You are in luck I do something similar for plasma. Try this approach. You will have to add code to the MACROPUMP or IF you do not have one create one. Same with the M1030 macro. The M30 activates the M1030 at file end.
What it all does is this IF the M7 or M8 is active Mach3 will start a timer for the length of time each are active. When the M7/8 functions are shut down Mach3 will retreive the time on the timers and post it to DROS for holding. Each time the M7/8 functions are restarted the timers start again,etc,etc. and the time is added to the holding dros.
At the end of the program when the M30 runs it calls the M1030 macro to transfer the values from the DROs to the FIle . The entry consists of the Date,Time,Filename,Pentime,&KnifeTime. It is written in comma delimited ascii so excell can read it in. Then the Dros are Zeroed and reaady to go again.
********** ADD to the MacroPump. IF you do not have a macropump create one
'Macro for pen/knife cut time
If GetOemLed(12) And Not GetUserLed(2007) Then
End If
If Not GetOemLed(12) And GetUserLed(2007) Then
SetUserDro(2007, (GetUserDro(2007) + GetTimer(1)))
End If
If GetOemLed(13) And GetUserLed(2008) = False Then
End If
If Not GetOemLed(13) And GetUserLed(2008) Then
SetUserDro(2008, (GetUserDro(2008) + GetTimer(2)))
End If
******** ADD to the M1030 macro. IF you do not have one create one
'M1030 Macro For CutTime Write
Open "C:\Mach3\CutTime.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, "" &Date &" , " &" " &Time &" , "&" " &Filename &" , " &"PenTime" &" , " &GetUserDro(2007) &" , "&"KnifeTime" &" , " & GetUserDro(2008)
Close #1
******** Add to END of the M1030 macro to shut down mach3 and PC****** OPTIONAL (;-)
Message("...Shuting down MACH3 and PC...")