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Author Topic: Not able to reference C (or A, or B) axis to the home switch  (Read 15986 times)

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Hey guys! First post here.

I am having trouble referencing the C axis to the home switch. C axis is configured as linear, and when I try to run "G28.1 C5" for example, the axis starts moving, hits the M6Home sensor (it lights up in the diagnostics page), but the motor does not stop moving the axis no matter what I try. Also if I press the "Ref C" axis button on the diagnostics page, only the message "Homing C-axis" appear but the motor does not move at all. The XYZ axis do move the motors on the Ref X/Y/Z buttons. I am using an official license on Mach 3, along with the Ethernet Smoothstepper. Im feeling that I am missing something here..

Include here a video:


Appreciate any tips!

Re: Not able to reference C (or A, or B) axis to the home switch
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2023, 01:01:59 AM »
I managed to solve it by introducing some debouncing time in the "Noise Filtering of Inputs" in the "Home" field of smoothstepper Main Config window.. set it to 5 uS and started working the way it should.