Sorry guys I’m still on Mach3 because as a retired man I have no great use of it. I decided now to build a wooden clock as a hobby and of course Mach will be in use again. BTW I bought Mach3 some 20+ years ago from cnc4pc but that’s a long time ago….
Picture 1 shows a part in my CAM software, a piece approx. 8” long by 3” wide to be cut in 1/2" thick plywood. If you noticed the part is locate in the lower left quadrant of the X/Y axis
Picture 2 shows the same part on Mach3 screen which out of shape and located in the upper right corner of the X/Y quadrant which is wrong.
Picture 3 shows the part of the g-Code especially line 116 which is highlighted when I open the g-Code in Mach3. This tells me that Mach3 sees a problem with this line and the motors on my cnc are not working.
From some past notes I have on Mach one says “…if I have a lot of curves/circles in my part change the IJ Mode in general config from absolute to Inc…” but doing so nothing happens, line 116 is still highlighted and motors are not moving. Closing the g-code the motors are working which means nothing wrong with the cnc.
Any help will be greatly appreciated