Hello dear members,
I got recently attacked by a ransomeware and cleared all my PCs including Mach 4 setups...
I installed Mach 4 4809 + ESS283
And I copied screen from my backup.
But I can't set Gage Block Height. When I enter a value(like 15.0) and click on "Set Z" button, the value is turned to 10.4529.
I don't know where the value 10.4529 came from. ;(
Here is the linked script of "droGageBlock"
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local val = scr.GetProperty("droGageBlock", "Value")
mc.mcProfileWriteString(inst, "PersistentDROs", "droGageBlock", string.format (val)) --Create a register and write to it
--local val = scr.GetProperty("droGageBlock", "Value")
--mc.mcProfileWriteString(inst, "OffsetsSettings", "GageBlock", tostring(val))
--mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Offsets: Fixture Z Gage block updated")
What should I do to solve this?