Mach Discussion > Machscreen Screen Designer

Can initial G code values be set on MachScreen?


Dos Cerezas:
I am trying to modify a screenset that was originally for milling into a set for turning. I am puzzled by several issues:

1. On the other lsets that I've seen, the Mode string shows the work plane set to G18 (X-Z) as expected. In my case the start mode always shows G17 (X-Y plane) even if the X-Z plane is active on my general configuration.
2. The toolpaths are not showing after I load GCode. Before converting the set from a .set to an .lset extension, I could see the toolpaths even if I had to rotate the display to see the X-Z plane.  I modified the plane of the toolpath display with MachScreen from X-Y to X-Z.

I checked the VB scripts and I couldn't see that the mode was set from any of them.

Can the mode initialization and the toolpath display issue be handled from MachScreen?

Dos Cerezas:
Some attachments that may help clarify what I mean...


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