Here is some more info before I can get some pics for you:
I had my 3 1/2 year old son control the motion using the minitech software (cpmill.exe running in WinME 2nded) and I checked the output at the lpt cable where it connects to the controller. That was fun. He loves the machine.
I get the same response, 3.58 V when the motor should be at rest and 4.26 V when active for pins 3, 5 pand 8. I also get high response in one direction for each of 4, 6, and 8.
The odd thing is that if I unplug the lpt from the controller the motors are "locked up" when I plug it back in the motors (y and z) are controllable but I can spin the lead screw by hand. This doesn't seem right?
I went back and made sure the x stepper motor works by controlling it with the y output on the controller, so all my steppers are good.
My board is a PC1001 rev A, I checked the voltage at the UNC5804B's when I was controlling y and z and found about 0.75 v when the stepper was moving and 0 at rest. For the X axis though I was reading 4.98 V always. Does this mean the MM74HC14N is bad or is the 5804B at "U14" bad?
Basically it seems that something is amiss after I get to the controler board but I'm not sure where. It is definitely at or before the last chip before the stepper?