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probe won't retract
cnc addict:
I'm running Mach4 on a router and it works great except probing. When I try to touch off a new tool, it lowers and resets the tool height properly but fails to retract. Is there a solution? The probe is always live and when the tool touches it drops the voltage. I tried noise filtering but that didn't help.
can you show us the code?
A G31 probing move requires two Gcode moves, namely the G31, which is dynamically the same as a G1 move, ie linear interpolation at the prevailing feed rate,
followed by a G0 which is to retract the tool.
Unlike a home switch Mach does not automatically retract the tool from a probe event, you have to code it specifically.
cnc addict:
I tried a few codes, lately I was using the touch button.
The basic code would be:
G31 Z-1 F10
G90 G1 Z1 F50
Something like that, I think I tried a G90 in front of the G31.
However, the program disables as soon as the probe touches so it can't retract. Also, I have to override the axis limits to move it off the probe so it won't retract anyway. However, I think there should be a Gcode for that I just don't know it.
this is an excerpt from a probing routine that I use:
--- Code: ---M40 (Begins a probe log file, when the window appears, enter a name for the log file such as "RawProbeLog.txt")
G0 Z2
G1 X-0.589 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X10.50726 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X21.60352 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X32.69978 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X43.79604 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X54.8923 Y1.5875 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X54.8923 Y11.67083 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X43.79604 Y11.67083 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X32.69978 Y11.67083 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X21.60352 Y11.67083 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X10.50726 Y11.67083 F1000
G31 Z-1 F100
G0 Z2
G1 X-0.589 Y11.67083 F1000
--- End code ---
It works perfectly and dozens of other probing routines almost identical to it and has done for eight years. You need to look at your code.
What motion controller are you using? If its an ESS then you need to save a log file. I suspect that the probe data is not being sent to Mach
and therefore the G31 move never completes, and cannot progress to the following G0 retract move.
cnc addict:
I went out and tried that.. I tried to start Mach but got an error.
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