Hi all,
Art, Terry Parker and I have been having a discussion over on the Yahoo group about 3d probing in Mach3 with me being the guy that needs help. Terry has given a discription of a screen that he has made in the past that would be of great use to me, immediatly, but I believe to many others as well. He offered to give the screen to me but said that the screen designer is scrambling his screen when he tries to save them.
Is anyone having success with saving screens? Art just posted that he had updated Screen 4 and hopefully this will solve the problem.
Now my begging begins.

Below is a cut and paste from the Yahoo thread with the description of the screen Terry is telling me about:
"Mike another trick we use is to set up a page in mach for probing.
Place 4 buttons on the page and assign a directional probe move(macro
starts from the current position, probes in the direction assigned
and then returns to the starting position) in each primary direction
IE: n s e w
Place two more buttons on the screen one to open the points file and
one to close the file.
Then you can open a file, jog around to get into position and push a
direction button to probe in that direction. Then jog into the next
position and press the proper direction button again. When you have
collected enough points then close the file."
Anyone want to take a shot at this screen? I promise you if I had the ability/knowledge I would not ask.