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Author Topic: stupid cnc controller question  (Read 10929 times)

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stupid cnc controller question
« on: May 06, 2022, 02:22:36 PM »
I have a built cnc machine that I purchased from someone. It appears that the controller board is malfunctioning and may need to be replaced.  Here's the stupid question...Can I just buy any new controller box or do I have to use the same box and get the same control board for it?  Will any controller run any machine? I know this shows how little I know but I would love to use the machine again.  Thanks in advance.
will any cnc controller work?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2022, 03:35:55 PM »
I have a built cnc machine that I purchased from someone. It appears that the controller board is malfunctioning and may need to be replaced.  Here's the stupid question...Can I just buy any new controller box or do I have to use the same box and get the same control board for it?  Will any controller run any machine? Is there a pre-built plug and play product that is already made or do all controllers have to be built?  I know this shows how little I know but I would love to use the machine again.  Thanks in advance.

Offline DMBGO

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Re: stupid cnc controller question
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2022, 05:06:41 PM »
The short answer is no. There are numerous controllers, each customised to suit a particular machine. Perhaps some more specific info about the machine maybe helpful? What type of machine? Router, mill, lathe, etc. What type of motors - brand, model? Any other detailed info will solicit more help.


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: will any cnc controller work?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2022, 01:42:35 AM »
The Motion Controller you choose should be one of EU or USA manufacture.
Avoid the Chinece Motion Controllers as they do not have manufacturers support and you may be on your own when it comes to any problems encountered.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 01:46:01 AM by Tweakie.CNC »
Re: stupid cnc controller question
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2022, 07:08:39 PM »
Thanks for feedback.  The cnc machine I have the person who built it called it a "concrete printer".  It is a router.  Unfortunately, I cannot find any markings on the motors or anything else.  Very generic box that houses the motion controller.  I did open the box, and looked for info on the board and got some numbers off of that and did a google search for it.  Came up with a board but it looked different than the board that is in it, maybe because of a newer model. I am trying to figure out if there is one I could buy that does not have to be built, as I am not really a cnc maker but user.  :D  Again thanks for all and any help/ideas.