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How to calibrate spindle by using c25xp internal pwm.

Mach4 rpm and vfd spindle not match
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I also have modbus cable rs485 but don't know how to use this
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Author Topic: Ess c25xp board with Vfd Gt spindle calibrate  (Read 5550 times)

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Ess c25xp board with Vfd Gt spindle calibrate
« on: March 15, 2022, 01:03:59 AM »
   I currently have Mach4 Ess with C25xp internal pwm analog 0-10v
Problem I have is spindle calibrate are off from 0-45% and 55-90% in this between are off. I beable to call out mdi m3 s24000 mach4 and vfd readout are match 👌, and m3 s12000 mach4 & vfd both match. The rest is between are not match rpm readout. How do I calibrate or tune this both mach4 and Huang vfd gt series. I have attached my machine.ini, vfd gt program, and my machine screen set.
Help please.