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Author Topic: Pokey57E Probing error  (Read 4726 times)

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Pokey57E Probing error
« on: August 20, 2021, 04:54:40 AM »
Hello Guys,
I have problems with Mach3 and Probing with my Pokeys 57E

When I run the Code/Script in Mach3 via debugger step by step, everything works super fine.
But when I run the buttonscript normal, one of the axis, or all together fail.
By failing I mean, that the axis behaves like it got probing contact way before touching the workpiece.
mach 3 probe error - overrun: limit (1378410135 -1613) 7 and so on...

My setup:
Probing Pin = Pin19 (1k Ohm pullup resistor)
Probing Pin is positiv and is connected to my workpiece (1m copper wire).
The Endmill has contact to ground throught the hole machine.
The plugin shows perfectly that if I touch the workpiece the LED in the IO-Monitor goes off.

Mach3 version: R3.043.066
Pokeys: newest Firmaware

Script for XYZ Left corner:
Sub Main()
SetOEMDRO(800, 0.0000)
SetOEMDRO(801, 0.0000)
SetOEMDRO(802, 0.0000)
Sleep 500
code "G0 Z15 F200"
code "G0 X10"
code "G0 Y10"
code "G0 Z0 F150"

If IsSuchSignal (22) Then
code "G31 Z-15 F50"
While IsMoving()
SetOEMDRO(802, 0.0000)
Sleep 500
code "G0 Z15 F200"
code "G0 X-8"
code "G0 Z-4 F100"
End If

If IsSuchSignal (22) Then
code "G31 X10 F50"
While IsMoving()
SetOEMDRO(802, -3)
Sleep 500
code "G0 X-10 F200"
code "G0 Y-8"
code "G0 X10"
End If

If IsSuchSignal (22) Then
code "G31 Y10 F50"
While IsMoving()
SetOEMDRO(802, -3)
Sleep 500
code "G0 Y-10 F200"
code "G0 Z10"
code "G0 X0"
code "G0 Y0"
End If
End Sub                                     

Can someone help me?
Is it the Input-pin or is it the plugin or Pokeys, or mach3?
Its totaly random which axis fails...sometimes all...very rare, all axis work.
The error Code is:
mach 3 probe error - overrun: limit (1378410135 -1613) 7 and so on...

Thanks for yout time and help.

Cheers Lukas
Re: Pokey57E Probing error
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2021, 06:26:00 AM »
... my Pin 19 is connected to a pull-up resistor (1k) to 3,3V...
same like recommended in the manual for pin 48 and 49 (step output y and z 470 ohm pull-up)

In some posts i read that you have to put pull-up resistors to +5V???
Are the Inputs 5V tolerant or 3,3V?
The manual says "We advise adding an additional 1 kΩ pull-up resistor on pins with an external switch"

The pic in "External pull-up resistor wiring for pins 48 and 49" shows 3,3V
Re: Pokey57E Probing error
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2021, 06:59:42 AM »
okay, i tried it with +5V - No difference
Re: Pokey57E Probing error
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2022, 01:06:43 AM »
Did you ever solve this. I am running to the same error Probe error - overrun: limit using the probeit wizard.