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Author Topic: Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3  (Read 3880 times)

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Offline DanJ

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Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3
« on: December 11, 2020, 06:03:53 PM »
I'm getting a weird error and hoping someone can help.  I just re-did my Win10 install and now I can't see motor tuning and get Plugin DLL Defective and my X-Box controller wont work.  I re-downloaded the X-Box controller and deleted the old one but it did not help.

Thanks in advance,

Offline DanJ

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Re: Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2020, 08:59:40 PM »
Anyone have any ideas? I'd really appreciate some help.

Thank you,

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2020, 01:08:43 AM »
Which motion controller are you using ?

Offline DanJ

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Re: Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2020, 05:25:48 AM »
Mach3 and a SmoothStepper.

Last night I lost all the other plugins. So I reinstalled Mach3 after uninstalling it through Win10.

I created profiles during the install as recommended. But, all the plugins failed anyway.

I redid Win10 because I got malware. I've run malwarebytes and Windows scans multiple times and they say it's gone. I'm a bit worried it's not gone.

But, maybe another fresh Mach3 install will do it?

Thank you,

Offline ZASto

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Re: Plugin DLL Defective - Mach3
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2020, 09:38:17 AM »
First of all, computer that is running CNC machine SHOULD NOT be connected ti Internet.
It might be connected to LAN, with only a couple folders, non critical ones, shared, so if any gremlin sneaks in will be safely contained :)
Second, when you have a working system, no further updates should be allowed (M$ is known to destroy a good working system).

My computer that is connected to CNC machine is a pure controller and nothing more than that. No unnecessary software, besides Notepad++ and some more utilities. No M$#&% Office or other bloatware. It even runs Win XP :D

HDD image of working partition safely stored on 2 external drives.
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