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Author Topic: Plasma Pierces... then doesn't move  (Read 1870 times)

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Plasma Pierces... then doesn't move
« on: February 17, 2021, 09:09:52 PM »
Avid CNC Plasma (4848)
SheetCam 6.0.30
Hypertherm 45XP

The machine moves to the start point and pierces. But then stays there firing for a second or so then stops firing, and the air continues without moving.

Most of my searches seem to point to Mach3 and the difference between seconds and milliseconds
I cant find that option in Mach4

I'm sure it's something stupid, but I've been pulling my hair out (and I don't have much to start with).
Any ideas?

Line stops at N0200 in g code below

N0010 (Filename: ***)
N0020 (Post processor: Avid CNC Mach4.scpost v1.4)
N0030 (Date: 17/02/2021)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40
N0060 G64 (Constant Velocity Mode - normally used with Plasma)
N0070 (Part: ***)
N0080 (Operation: Inside Offset, Inside, T3: Mild Steel, 10 GA, PowerMax45XP, 45A, Shielded)
N0090 m2020 (TMC3IN1_TARGET_TIP_VOLTS=128)
N0100 G4 P0.1
N0110 G00 X13.8794 Y2.9851
N0120 G92.1
N0130 G31.0 Z-100 F19.685
N0140 G92 Z0.0
N0150 m2020 (HC_WORK_Z_ZEROED=1)
N0160 G4 P0.1
N0170 G00 Z0.1500
N0180 G4 P0.001
N0190 M62P3
N0200 Z0.1490
N0210 G04 P0.4
N0220 G01 Z0.0600 F100.0
N0230 G02 X13.6736 Y3.0790 I-0.0560 J0.1499 F129.0
N0240 X14.2373 Y3.7922 I0.6081 J0.0987
N0250 G01 X14.2377 Y3.7923
N0260 G02 X14.9131 Y3.1800 I0.0549 J-0.6181
N0270 X14.4426 Y2.5846 I-0.6154 J0.0027
N0280 X13.6736 Y3.0790 I-0.1545 J0.6049
N0290 X13.8059 Y3.2626 I0.1579 J0.0256
N0300 M63P3
Re: Plasma Pierces... then doesn't move
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 06:01:58 AM »
Do you have an "Arc OK" signal set up? Is that working as it should?
Is your plasma cutters earth attached to the sheet you are cutting?
Is your tip voltage reading OK?

I guess as you have the TMC3in1 you are using an ESS - look on their forum lots of info there follow their set up guide carefully using the latest plugins and screen.

It could be lots of things - I have the same set up as you do and it works great. Take your time and check everything again.
Re: Plasma Pierces... then doesn't move
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2021, 03:46:31 PM »
Thanks for your input!

Turns out one problem was the THC Anti Dive settings weren't right.
But now its cutting one inside contour and then pausing.. so it's on to deeper sleuthing.