Well, an update (I know, ejit with mill, how interesting can this be . . .*yawn*)
Well, for me, very

As you guys guessed, most of the problems I was having were with the nut between the keyboard and the mill.
I was completely lost as to why a "toolpath" would show up on the Mach 4 screen and I'd not be able to "jog" round it without hitting a limit on the mill.
I read and listened and thunked hard about your comments, and decided to park the machine in a "home" position and re-load the file (having restarted Mach4 with the machine parked at "home")
And I could start to see why the toolpath was showing up where it was.
Then I noticed that some of my files had their 0,0,0, reference in the middle of the part and some lower left . . . . So some sense is being made of positioning work on the mill and getting mach 4 to cut the work rather than destroy the mill (which is what I'm here for)
So, huge thanks for pointing me in that direction. I'd still like to have Mach4 "Cut Here" but am now starting to understand that I need to be consistent with reference point on the G code file to enable that (If I can stick to lower left I just jog to lower left and zero on mach 4 there, hey presto off she'll jolly well trot. (in vaugely the right place)
Other issues solved this week (tho positioning is not 100% there yet, I need to figure out how to stop fusion putting the stock point in the middle of the work..)
I had a stiff nut, one of the ballscrews on the X axis was locking up, watched a video, stripped it, cleaned it, re-dressed it and hey presto, with shiny balls, my nut runs smooth . . (I know, childish and immature, but I am)
And the Z axis Gib has never been right on my mill, a bit of googling pointed me to how to "shoogle" the Gib into the right position that would allow the upper and lower Gib adjustment screws to actually work ("Shoogle" is a Scottish word meaning to faff with something 'till it's either better, worse of you've broken it completely)
Picture is a shark (Work in progress) fins cut on the mill.
I know, very simple, but I am.
Hai Than Kew.
I will come back with other stupid questions, like how to get Fusion 360 to less aggressively plunge mills when cutting, but maybe on another forum (I have slowed the plunge rate, but really I need to "peck in or come in at some angle . . ) ((I think))