I am making a new CNC machine using Mach 4 and SmoothStepper.
After checking many videos, I thought about the operation of ATC.
I can develop some embedded software and operate stepper motors and pneumatic cylinders. i can easily manipulate what i want by using raspberry pie or various embedded boards.
What I'm curious about is,
If i make a tool change order in Mach 4, how do i communicate that order to me?
When I receive a command called Tool 3, the CNC will move the spindle to the position for tool change. (I think it will be possible on Mach 4)
Here is the question.
When I receive an order to replace tool 3, how does Mach 4 communicate it to me?
If Mach 4 (tool 4) sends me an order to exchange
Operate the pneumatic cylinder (on separate equipment and board)
Start the step motor with tool 4 and move it to the required position.
Will deliver.
Then, operate the air switch to remove the old tool from the spindle,
We will replace the new tool.
In this case, I need to inform Mach 4 that the tool has been replaced.
I would like to know how to communicate for ATC on Mach 4.
Can anyone give me a detailed explanation?
I can make the communication and movement that Mach 4 wants
If Mach 4 delivers the data to me.