Hi, I have an ESS and the C11G R9 breakout board. I have joined the Warp9 board but they don't seem to be too active over there or even let me post my questions. So, I have a 4' by 8' CNC router that I am converting to ESS with Mach3, through the C11G BOB. the C11G instructions PDF is vague to the point of being awful. Same goes for the graphic of the hookups. Copied from the PDF:
This function lets you control your spindle with PWM signal. It converts the PWM signal
into an analog (0-10VDC).
This function can also be used on many DC motor controllers by replacing the
potentiometer that controls the speed.
It requires a power supply external +12VDC@ 30mA for the analog output
WARNING: To keep the output signals optoisolated, these must not have
common ground or connections to current with other circuits you are using.
You will require a voltmeter to fine tune your system.
Before connecting anything, please be sure to read your VFD’s manual and make sure
you understand all the safety issues.
This tells me almost nothing as to what ports to use, but mostly that it suggests to use the onboard mechanical relays to control the VFD. This makes no sense to me. I need to hook up the forward and reverse, how would that work from a relay, am I supposed to use up two of the relays for this? Also it is vague about power requirements, there are two places for 5VDC, is one of these a supply or do I supply 5V to that point?