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Author Topic: edge finding/2.5D probing  (Read 135783 times)

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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #60 on: November 23, 2007, 08:34:08 PM »

This is what I've been waiting for, and the neat thing is, I think Terry is nearly there as well using a completely different method. Do you have any idea how many hours this will save me when I digitize a rifle stock that is 34 inches long, with all the different contours looking at the side profile???? Do you? Thank you so much for your work on this.

Sorry I haven't been able to test the last two day. Yesterday was a US holiday and today my daughters needed me to baby sit! What a dad!


Offline zarzul

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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2007, 01:13:46 PM »

I have been lurking on this thread, very interesting. 

I have just finished up my new probe and wanted to give it a good work out, but the existing stuff in mach seems pretty limited.

Can I try your probing routine?

Thanks Arnie

Offline stirling

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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #62 on: November 27, 2007, 08:19:11 AM »
Hi Arnie - Happy to have you onboard.

The utility is now available to download at
and instalation and operating instructions to download are at
http://www.razordance.co.uk/downloads/readme.doc (a word document)

If you don't have MS Word then a copy of the readme is online at

CheersĀ  ;D

Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2007, 11:43:31 PM »
Ian just a note about Open Office which is an open source project. I used it to open your doc just fine. Have you added all the goodies that go with the software where it probes the inside of the profile?

That video was so cool. I had to take a break from my testing to get some actual work done but I hope to take at least one day next week to test everything. I will let you know how it goes.


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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #64 on: December 01, 2007, 04:35:24 AM »
Ian just a note about Open Office which is an open source project. I used it to open your doc just fine. Have you added all the goodies that go with the software where it probes the inside of the profile?
Hi Mike - yes it's all there in the download - it'll do all you see on the vids.

That video was so cool. I had to take a break from my testing to get some actual work done but I hope to take at least one day next week to test everything. I will let you know how it goes.
Great - any help needed just let me know.


Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #65 on: December 02, 2007, 05:40:02 PM »
I certainly looks good
I wish I could use it.

I get Error on linne 65 <G31FIX> when I try to run the probe25.tap
Same thing when I try to regen to toolpath.

I tried clearing the workoffsets and even had G4P1000

So it won't even run

Is this something the Mach3 Gurus are lookinng at?

Offline stirling

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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #66 on: December 03, 2007, 08:11:50 AM »
Hi looker1

I'm assuming you've installed everything as per the readme and noted the bit about this error in the hints n tips bit at the end of the readme. If you aknowlege the error and just carry on as directed in the readme, does it still not work then? Regarding the regen of the toolpath, this is not really neccessary or particularly meaningful as there isn't really a toolpath to regenerate. The toolpath is calculated on the fly as probe25D.tap is running.

In short just acknowlege (or ignore) the error and run probe25D.tap anyway. Also I'm assuming you've run the probe utilities application on your start menu first to set up the parameters of your choice for probe25D.tap?

Incidentally please be aware that this is not an Artsoft application - the only "guru" involved is me  ;D

Get back to me and we'll get it going step by step if you need me - but like I say - please read the whole readme first if you haven't already.


Ian (Stirling)
Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #67 on: December 03, 2007, 08:15:37 AM »
Hi looker1

I'm assuming you've installed everything as per the readme and noted the bit about this error in the hints n tips bit at the end of the readme. If you aknowlege the error and just carry on as directed in the readme, does it still not work then? Regarding the regen of the toolpath, this is not really neccessary or particularly meaningful as there isn't really a toolpath to regenerate. The toolpath is calculated on the fly as probe25D.tap is running.

In short just acknowlege (or ignore) the error and run probe25D.tap anyway. Also I'm assuming you've run the probe utilities application on your start menu first to set up the parameters of your choice for probe25D.tap?

Incidentally please be aware that this is not an Artsoft application - the only "guru" involved is meĀ  ;D

Get back to me and we'll get it going step by step if you need me - but like I say - please read the whole readme first if you haven't already.


Ian (Stirling)

Ian, you are still a guru regardless! ;D


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Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #68 on: December 03, 2007, 12:53:11 PM »
Cheers Mike  ;D - how's things going with you? - done any probing yet?

Hey Terry - how about you?
Re: edge finding/2.5D probing
« Reply #69 on: December 03, 2007, 01:24:35 PM »
Hi Ian,

No not yet.  I had a good size job I was cutting Sat using mdf and I don't know if it was the dust or just my router motor being old but I blew the router motor up. I have it off the machine now ready to take it to the shop to get a bearing taken out and am hoping it is just bearings.

Have you ever met Mr. Murphy personally? >:( I know him all too well.

Speaking of Terry, I haven't seen him here, Yahoo or the Zone in several days. I hope everything is ok with him.
