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Author Topic: screenset 2010 problem...  (Read 4823 times)

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screenset 2010 problem...
« on: October 08, 2019, 09:01:35 AM »
Newbie here..

I have a STB5100 chinese usb motion with driver: bl-UsbMach v3.2
It appears to be nice board but the driver....
Welll is chinese...
I'm using 2010 sreenset but i'm having lot a problems to Auto Tool Zero..

I went to the site and download the files with the changes for the chinese drivers..
And now the problem..

Manually using the macro to see the tool zero..

Until this line:
Call SetOEMDRO (802, TotalOffset) ' Set the Z axis DRO to plate thickness
sleep(500) ' Pause for DRO to update.
I think that is all ok..

But when i goes to this line:
Code "G0 Z" & ZClear ' Retract to Z Clearance Plane

While IsMoving()
The Z coordinate goes to "0" and the tool goes down 5mm and not retracting...

Appears on the Z coordinate: +5mm

And not the 16.5mm that should retract...?    ( The 11.5 from the plate + 5mm clearence )

Is there any solution...
Or this board is just to remeber a bad buy......

Any help i appreciate..
