I'm fairly new to the hardware side of Hobby CNC work, although I’ve been programming in industry for over 10 years on 3/4/5 axis large woodworking routers.
The machine I've bought has a cheap chinese break out board with very few inputs outputs. Here is the spec,
Approximately 1mtr x 1mtr cutting area with 150mm Z clearence, 3 Axis
2.2kw Chinese water cooled spindle
4PC Nema34 Stepper Motor 965oz.in 5.6A bipolar Model 86BYGH 7.7N.M113mm 4wires 34HS9456 Step Angle 1.8, Rate Voltage 5.6, Rate Current 2.13A, Phase resistance 0.35,Phase Inductance 4.1mH
4 x Stepper motor drivers DM860A, PEAK 7.8A , Set to 3.0 RMS Peak 4.2A and 2000 microstep resolution
4x Power Supply 350W-60VDC
Cheap chinese HY-JK02-M 5-axis interface board. ( I'm not enthused with the board now I understand a little bit more about them and at £10 cost it seems penny pinching to run an expensive machine with one)
16mm dia 16mm pitch 4 start thread lead screws on all axis
Kernal speed at 25000 Hz
I’m looking at your Ess smoother stepper as I wish to use a newer PC with windows 10 which I prefer and already have a spare of and have heard very good things about using one.
With regards to a bob, I want a decent one with plenty of connections for inputs and outputs. I want to control spindle on/off and also the RPM, The usual E stop, ideally pump on/off , a probe, limit and homing switches as well as all the axis XYZA. Feed speed control via remote hand controller.
I like the idea of going to mach4 too....
I have my my eye on a few here but I presume the USB type will now work with the your ESS smooth stepper if it requires parallel port connection to a bob?
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-axis-mach4-board-interface-usb-cnc-motion-control-card-2000khz/303252148651?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CNC-200-KHz-4-Axis-USB-Mach3-Motion-Control-Card-Breakout-Interface-Board/123698623045?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649Also looked at these,
Spec here
http://www.spark-concepts.com/cnc-xpro-controller-v3/Now updated with this one, again doesn't mention MAch3/4
http://www.spark-concepts.com/cnc-xpro-v4-controller/I also want a hand controller that I can control feed and spindle speed with a rotary dial/knob. I think this one will cover that.
https://www.makers-hut.com/product/mach3-4-axis-wireless-electronic-handwheel-manual-controller-mpg-usb-handle/Any help and advice you can offer with regards to a good set up of smooth stepper and control board based on what I have and wish to upgrade will be very much appreciated,