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Author Topic: cnc 24 v dc power supply failure short out  (Read 25894 times)

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Offline Jonr7

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cnc 24 v dc power supply failure short out
« on: April 11, 2019, 01:00:50 PM »
I have 24 volt dc output switching power supply to power my (diy router) cnc electronics, stepper motors, ect.
The power supply shorted out two of the transistors on the circuit board. I have since replaced the power supply and now my limit switches will not activate in Mach 3 program. Checked all the switches,wiring and settings in Mach 3 configuration ports and pins. When I open Mach 3, the reset button is flashing, Emergency mode Active, Status says: Driver Successfully installed. Open Diagnostics and all my limit switch boxes are yellow. When I hit the re-set button, the message clears. I hit my limit switches and they do not activate emergency stop. Also, ref-all-home will not work, machine will not travel to home position. The stepper motors work.
Has the power supply damaged my Mach 3 program or computer? I don't know what else to do....


Jon Rodriguez
Jon Rodriguez

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Re: cnc 24 v dc power supply failure short out
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2019, 10:37:11 AM »
I have 24 volt dc output switching power supply to power my (diy router) cnc electronics, stepper motors, ect.
The power supply shorted out two of the transistors on the circuit board. I have since replaced the power supply and now my limit switches will not activate in Mach 3 program. Checked all the switches,wiring and settings in Mach 3 configuration ports and pins. When I open Mach 3, the reset button is flashing, Emergency mode Active, Status says: Driver Successfully installed. Open Diagnostics and all my limit switch boxes are yellow. When I hit the re-set button, the message clears. I hit my limit switches and they do not activate emergency stop. Also, ref-all-home will not work, machine will not travel to home position. The stepper motors work.
Has the power supply damaged my Mach 3 program or computer? I don't know what else to do....


Jon Rodriguez

I think, the negative terminal of the 24V PSU should ALSO be connected to the common ground of the limit switches connections at the Break out Board (BOB).
What BOB are you using?
If that still does not fix it, you may need to replace the BOB.
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