So, here's some code I've been writing to try to get an exponential curve on a job. It's just a toolpath for now, no feed rates, spindle commands or anything fancy, I tend to do those later in the game.
g0 Z5
G0 x-65 y0
(g41 p7) (this is what buggers it up)
g0 z#3
G01 X-55 y0
G01 X-45 Y0
G01 Z#3
g01 x0
M98 P2 L10
g01 X 0.86 Y-35.71
G03 X0 Y-35.5 I-0.89 J-43
G01 X-45
G01 X-45 Y0
O2 (Incriments X then recalculates Y, then moves there)
G01 X#1 Y#2
Note the G41 offset is commented out - like this it should display a nice sort of boomerang shape, but of course there's no tool diameter offset. With the offset active, it runs O2 once then bails out and shortcuts back to the start of the g03 arc.
The really strange thing is, the blue toolpath line is the right shape - it just doesn't follow it with the offset on. it's as if it will only run O2 once when the offset is active.
Help me out lads, I'm losing my mind here.