I'm guessing that you are going to have to program things like limit switches and/or home switches plus the motion control.
That is a major undertaking.
I understand that you wish to keep the installation compact and certainly the PI is that.
The only alternative to writing all that code is:
https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1585.html$209 gets you a Windows 10 PC with Windows 10 Enterprise installed with 4/64G memory....not bad. If you wanted to run Mach (3 or 4)
you would require a motion control board like a SmoothStepper or a UC300. A 64 bit machine like the LattePanda 4/64 CANNOT run a parallel
port. Thus your budget would need to include the cost of an external controller. I use an Ethernet SmoothStepper (ESS) by Warp9 TD (don't get ripped
by the bulls*********t Chinese knockoffs) for $185.00. You would also want a breakout board (BoB), a ubiquitous C10 for $23.00
The LattaPanda, the ESS and BoB would fit into a 120mm cube or thereabouts.
May I suggest downloading Mach, either or both 3 or 4, and try them as demo at no cost. It might interest you to see how the motor tuning is set up.
Likewise it may give you an appreciation of all the features including jogging etc. I would recommend Mach4, it is superior when it comes to customization
which you'll want for a standalone machine.
There is already a 'Shuttle Pro' plugin which maybe adaptable to your requirements. If the Shuttle Pro plugin is not suitable then the Xbox plugin will.
It is written by users and so you can download it and tweak it to your satisfaction. Note these plugins are only for Mach4 to my knowledge.
Yet another alternative is LinuxCNC. The same LattePanda board without Windows 10 is $149.00. You can install LinuxCNC for free and it will
run a parallel port. Its not the norm to recommend what amounts to a competeing software product on the Mach forum but I feel honour bound
to point out that it could be a perfect solution for you. Indeed LinuxCNC could be installed on a PI as well, even cheaper again!.