Third party software and hardware support forums. > HiCON Motion Controller

HiCon Plug Crash


Install Hicon Intergra 7766 with 7377 Hicon plugin crash

System: Dell Precision, Windows 7, 7766, 7377 boards, Mach4 install

When I try to configure HiCon Device (Config>Select Motion Device) it comes up with an error: Config Data not Initialized or Corrupt. Then in goes to the Dos screen and says "Configuration Download Success" Then it closes Mach4.

When I Re-start Mach4 and run VSI Device Manager and then San the Network is shows the correct IP connection. HiCon is also shown in the window below. I also enabled "J7 step and Direction" and clicked Download. But it still crashes.  ???

?? Could uses some help, Boots-2b1


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