An update from this weekend.
I had originally ordered this rotary encoder some reason the order failed to go through so I ended up ordering this one from Amazon. It's half the resolution but I just needed it for testing. tried to use this IO board assuming it would work with the encoder Numato GPIO isn't nearly fast enough to keep up with the encoder and it was skipping ticks (readings or whatever).
I had a Arduino Uno that I ordered for another project but never used. I've never used Arduino and just assumed it would be super slow. I mean how fast can a $11 microcontroller be? Well, a heck of a lot faster than the Numato GPIO it turns out.
I used a couple of 10k resistors used the digitalWriteFast library found at and I was able to read every tick of the encoder without issue no matter how fast I turned it. I should have started off using the Arduino to begin with.
My next problem was trying to get a gear that matched my rack (20 pitch, 20 pressure angle) with a 6mm bore. I know nothing about gears and assumed this would be easy, it wasn't. Even finding a gear that fit the rack was ridiculously hard. There's way more options to how a gear fits to another gear or rack than I imagined. The only one I could find was on Amazon and it was out of stock. So I tried to order a gear from Grainger with a 20 pitch but a 14.5 pressure angle with an 8mm bore and hoped I could rig it up. Well, they sent the right box but the gear was wrong. I guess someone switch them or something so I was stuck.
I thought I have a CNC why not just make one? Well, this turned out to be REALLY hard because its not straight forward. I ended up finding the site,200,100,6,1,0,0,4,1,8,2,4,27,-90,0,0,16,4,4,27,-60,1,1,12,1,12,20,-60,2,0,60,5,12,20,0,0,0,2,-563I paid the $2, downloaded the svg. Converted it to EPS and imported it into ArtCam and cut it out of 1/2" polycarbonate. This turned out perfect, I get 0.005" resolution with it. I should have done this begin with. It would have saved me $25 from Grainger and numerous hours of research. Hind-sight is 20/20 though.
So that's all I was able to do this weekend. I'm going to try and find time next weekend. I'm pretty busy at work these days.
Encoder Gear: