whether you go Mach3 or Mach4 or LinuxCNC or any other software solution you will have to learn LOTS an LOTS of new things. In fact if you are not learning
something new then the hobby is rubbish.
Next point is that the software component of the hobby, lets say Mach3 at $175 or Mach4 at $200 is still about the cheapest part of CNC. That's about the price of one 34
size stepper and driver, unless you want Chinese junk of course.
You may have noted just recently that there was a Windows 10 update which buggered up Mach3. Fortunately another company who has Mach3 source code did a tweak and
shared it with NFS so that all Mach3 users could have the patch. Without that patch Mach3 would no longer run with current Windows10. The point is clear, Mach3 development
stopped five years ago and eventually it will no longer work with the latest Windows OS of the day.
For the sake of $25 extra get Mach4, $25 is the price of a name brand 1/4 inch carbide endmill. It will effectively require the use of an external motion controller, Mach4 using
a parallel port is possible but not sensible, so you can count on say another $200 for that.
OR learn Linux!