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Author Topic: Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits  (Read 7445 times)

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Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits
« on: March 27, 2018, 09:57:44 AM »
This video covers the basics of homing and soft limits. It also covers right-hand rule, machine coordinates vs work coordinates, and shows you a scripting trick to turn on soft limits automatically each time you home your machine. If you have any questions or need assistance, please submit your ticket to support.machsupport.com


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Re: Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 09:38:24 AM »
Good video, very informative; although, it leaves me with a question regarding my X axis
using Mach4 build 3481.    In the video at the 0:57 mark the right hand rule applies: X moves
POSITIVE to the right (implying X zero/home on the left).    When I hit the X+ (plus) jog button
my X axis moves to the left....  ?   When I hit the X- (minus) jog button my X axis moves to the
right......  ?  (at least it is consistent).  DRO DECREMENTS jogging to the right; and, INCREMENTS
jogging to the left.     No problem with Mach3; same motor driver but with a
PMDX-411 sig gen now.   Wiring has not changed; at least I did not change it.
Y and Z axis move as expected.   Before I get into DOING something about this I need
to ask for input regarding which way I should proceed.  I did try to run the Road Runner
sample g-code file and it send my X axis into the left wall.
Is the G-code interpreter/Mach X axis driver backwards?
I do not really see a "configuration" anomaly but then again I may be missing something.
May I have some input, please?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 09:44:46 AM by mk77 »
Re: Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2018, 11:34:44 AM »

It sounds like the polarity of your direction pin for your X axis needs to be reversed. You can do this in the PMDX plugin configuration. This is a common adjustment to make when configuring a new profile. If your Y axis moves in a positive direction away from you, you want your X to move in a positive direction to the left. However, if your Y axis moves in a positive direction towards you, your X would need to move in a positive direction towards the left to be following right-hand rule. Right-hand rule dictates movement of the axes in relation to each other, but your machine itself can be oriented however you want it to be. I hope that makes sense and helps you. Please feel free to send me a PM here or submit a ticket at support.machsupport.com if you need any additional support.

Best wishes,
Newfangled Solutions Helpdesk: http://support.machsupport.com
YouTube Support Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MachSupportOfficial
Re: Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2018, 04:43:39 PM »
...It sounds like the polarity of your direction pin for your X axis needs to be reversed. ...

spot on!  You're awesome.  Thank You.

... If your Y axis moves in a positive direction away from you, you want your X to move in a positive direction to the left.
However, if your Y axis moves in a positive direction towards you, your X would need to move in a positive direction towards the left ...
I'm confused and would think one of those would need to move right.... but it doesn't matter at this point because my X moves
as expected.  Soft limits now act normally and my sanity has been saved!   ;)
WHEW!!  that was a close one.....
Re: Mach4 Basics: Homing and Soft Limits
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2018, 04:46:19 PM »
I'm sorry, I just reread my reply and I was incorrect. I shouldn't try to multitask! According the Right-Hand Rule, if Y is moving away from you, X should move in the positive direction to the *right*. If Y moves in a positive direction towards you, X should move in a positive direction to the left. Again, my apologies!

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