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Author Topic: xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour  (Read 5654 times)

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xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour
« on: March 30, 2018, 01:50:23 PM »
I have the wireless HB04 pendant working with Mach3 but I did expect what I consider (from limited experiance) a more 'conventional' MPG style behaviour.
So this is what I can achieve..

In 'Cont' mode, movement of the MPG just triggers a rapid movement (as a % of the max rate defined in motor setup) but the wheel is just a fancy way of turning the motion ON/OFF.
Slow movement of the wheel can result in a jerky rapid movement.
The speed can be pre-adjusted by changing the percentage in the MPG window.

With MPGs that  have been connected via the Parallel port pins, each input pulse has triggered a small amount of movement, thus the speed of the MPG wheel can be used to vary speed of the movment.

In Step mode, I can create incremental steps of say 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01. These seem to just be multiples of a single step. Again, movement of the MPG wheel triggers is action and will simply retrigger if the wheel is kept moving.

To my mind :) One pulse from the MPG should trigger one step (or multiple there of), if I click the wheel around 5, 10, 50 clicks... the system should move a corresponding number of steps.

so much of this controller seems to work as advertised but the movement behaviour is not as I would expect from other pendants I have used.
This is only a home setup so I can live with it but has anyone else had experience and found any work arounds ? thanks Jaydee.

Re: xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2018, 11:39:51 AM »
I've got the same problem, and thought I came across the fix in this thread: https://www.cnczone.com/forums/mach-software-artsoft-software-/210234-xhc-wireless-pendant.html
Someone from the XHC company seems to have posted the solution in theory, to load up a custom macro to one of the buttons that enables 'MPG Increase mode'.  What I think we are looking for is for the MPG to operate in velocity mode - the faster the wheel is turned, the faster the axis moves.  I'm not actually interested in absolute movement amounts.  I can't get velocity mode to work at all no matter what I try.  I can either move fixed increments (STEP mode) or a small distance at a fixed speed, in CONTINUOUS mode.  If anyone has any suggestion I would love to hear it!
Re: xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2018, 02:12:33 PM »
Interesting thread, whilst people are coming at it from different directions and descriptions...it does just seem that no one has yet to get a smooth, consistant behavior between pendant steps and the CNC's steps. velocity mode. Even with the supplier chipping in the odd comment, its still not resolved as far as I can see. J.
Re: xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 05:44:18 PM »
I still haven't found a fix that works for me.  The MPG Increase Mode macro does nothing at all in my case.  I really want a working velocity mode on this pendant, the quality of the hardware and wireless operation are great but I just can't use this thing like my old pendant, the functionality is just not good.  It's really annoying.
Re: xHC HB04 WHB04 Pendant with Mach3. - Movement behaviour
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2018, 07:55:08 AM »
As an added annoyance the macros associated with the buttons on the Mach3 2010 screenset for homing and probing no longer work on the Mach3 GUI.  They can only be operated by the pendant.  Love to hear of a fix for that too...