I'm a bit confused regarding the "Steps per mm" setting. I replaced my Nema32 steppers with Clearpath Servo motors and tried to apply the calculation for steppers to the servo steps per mm but can not get the results that should be there with servos.
- Servos are tuned, no backlash
-> Stepper calculation was: 360 degree / 1.8 degree = 200 steps per revolution * 10 micro stepping = 2000 / 5mm leadscrew pitch = 400 steps per 1 mm
Values for the Clearpath servos:
Achievable Resolution 0.057 degrees
Repeatability 0.03 degrees
-> 360 degree / 0.057 degree = 6.315,7894736842 steps per revolution / 5mm leadscrew pitch = 1.263,1578947368 steps per 1 mm
So far my calculation
Thankful for every pointer in the right direction!