Hey all:
I am working on a new machine, and I am pulling my hair out on the limit switches.
I am using an ESS controller, running Mach 3 on Windows 7. I have the limits set up on each axis separately, with one limit switch per axis and 2 trigger plates, one at each end of the axis. These are S18-3005na NPN proximity switches that detect metal and run off 12v. I have the Ess inputs pulled up with 1k resistors, and the output from each prox sensor pulls the line to ground through a diode to prevent feeding 12v into the ESS inputs.
The system is set up with X++, X--, and home switches set to the same input in Input Pin Configuration.
Everything works normally until a limit is triggered. Then, the system seems to "Latch up". If I manually power down and move the machine off the limit switch, on the Diagnostic screen, the "Home" indicator goes out, but the X++ and X-- lights stay lit. The Reset button will not work, the system will not reset. If I power down the limit switch circuit, the X++ and X-- lights still stay lit, even though the ESS input has returned to a high level and there is no longer a limit input.
The only way to get the system to reset is to shut down MACH3 and restart it. Then everything works normally again until the next limit event.
I don't currently have the Override configured, is this the problem? Is the limit switch input a toggle that can't be reset without using the override? Removing the signal from the input is not enough to be able to reset the system?