Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to retrofit an old Boxford 125tcl.
It came with the well known Chinese 5 axis break out board which is working fine for the steppers, but the input signals are giving me a headache.
I am powering the BoB by USB and the power LED comes on.
I have wired a standard E Stop button up, with one cable to GND on the BoB and one cable to Pin 10 as described in the documents that came with the board. I tested the wiring with my multimeter and the switch works fine.
But in Mach, nothing is recognised. I tried the automatic input dialog, i set up the port number and triggered the E-stop multiple times, but no signal is recognised.
I tried the other pins, no difference.
I tried using another board of the same type, no difference.
Lastly i tried to power the board via the 5 volt input, and the board works, but not the inputs.
Something i noticed is that there seems to be no power to come out of the inputs which would power the circuits.
Do you need to power the inputs via a second power supply.
The board i am using is identical to this one:
https://m.ebay.com/itm/MACH3-5-Axis-CNC-Breakout-Interface-Board-for-Stepper-Motor-Driver-CNC-Mill-/271059157869#vi__app-cvip-panelAnyone got any suggestions?
Thank you, a happy new year and best regards,