I have tried fitting a stepper to my lathe, but it clearly is not strong enough, because it keeps slipping. The problem is I am a dunce when it comes to Nm or whatever the torque rating of steppers is - and there is no label on my present motor to show what power that is, or I could work from that.
I have a Warco lathe (with a milling head attachment) WMT200. It has a 5 inch throw (ie will turn just under 10 inches) and an 18" bed.
I use it for turning steel.
Has anybody any idea what size of stepper I should be looking for - ie Frame size and torque or whatever. I have 24 volt supply available. I think my present motor is a Nema 23 frame - so if I can get one it will fit my present attachment (although making another one is no bother).
I have had Mach3 working on my daughters Toshiba laptop - and it seems to work very well - it better do, I have said I will buy it from her. I have checked the movement of the motor (step per inch and backlash) and got very good results. The only thing seems to be my small motor.
I am based in Wakefield, West Yorks - if anybody can tell me of a stockist that is reasonably sympathetic that I can try.
Jim Pinder