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Author Topic: One Computer - Two Machines  (Read 4450 times)

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One Computer - Two Machines
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:34:02 AM »
Per our discussion during the Workshop I have done the following: I have not yet installed data switch (port A - Port B)
1. Renamed the existing Mach directory to Mach3a
2. Downloaded new Mach 3 and activated it.
3. Set configuration pins and port in new Mach3.
4. Checked that could boot up Mach3a, closed it and boot Mach3. (have not tuned motors in new Mach3 so can identify which one is booted)

Here is the problem

Can only control the motors from the new Mach3. Mach3a inop.
Obviously I have not completed the transition properly. What is it?

Re: One Computer - Two Machines
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 02:29:57 PM »
I have further determined that the original Mach3 (now Mach3a) is not operating. No pulse frequency indication or Time in int.

I have rebooted the computer between Mach selections to no effect.

Re: One Computer - Two Machines
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2007, 08:21:37 AM »
Reinstall the software and do not uncheck the install driver... That should fix the driver problem that you are having.
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: One Computer - Two Machines
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2007, 09:20:25 AM »
Thanks Brian;
This is what I did:
1. Renamed the original Mach3 folder to Mach3a. This was Version R2.0.053
2. Downloaded new version R2.0.065 into new Mach3 folder.
3. This resulted in no driver in my original Mach3 (now Mach3a)
4 Renamed the now Mach3a folder back to Mach3. This did not alter the driver situation.
5 Downloaded new Mach3 Version R2.0.065 into Mach3 folder updating the Version R2.0.053.
6 Everything works fine now.

Thabnks again for your reply.
