I will assume that you have not changed any of your Mach settings and your still using the xml file that you posted. Copy the xml to the Mach3 directory and rename the copy it to 4thbobmill.xml. We will be doing changes to your configuration and will use the "4thbobmill" profile.
- Per your xml you are using the A for the rotary axis. It is currently defined in Config >General Logic Configuration as linear. Tick the box for A to make it angular and then Save Settings.Now you will need to change your motor tuning. So caluculate the steps per ( the units are degrees for an angular rotary axis ).
Example Calc:
For my rotary using micro stepping and a 72 gear ratio:
200 steps / rev X 1 rev /360 degrees = .5555 steps / deg X 10 micro steps X 72 gear ratio=400 steps per unit
- Note the value you calculated but use a value of 50 less than you calculated as an imput for the steps per.
in motor tuning. Use 10 as value for the velocity and 2 as an acceleration value.
- Now define which keys you will use to jog the A axis.
Config>System Hot keys Setup, click the A /U++ box and hit the key you want to use. Do the same for the A/U--. Make sure the keys codes are different than the other axis keys.
- Save Axis Settings and also Save Settings under Config.
- Hit the Tab key, and in the flyout set Jog Mode to Cont Jog the rotary to see that it rotates.
Go back to motor tuning for the A axis and keep changing the velocity value by doubling
the velocity value and jogging the rotary. Do this until the stepper skips. So 10,20, 40,80,160, 320, etc.
Suppose it skips at 320 then set the velocity to 160.
- Now start changing the acceleration value with the velocity set at 160 increasing the accel. Do similar as the you did for the velocity increase. So 2,4,6,8,10 etc. for values. Acceleration becomes important in 3d work.
See where the axis skips. Go back one trial setting of accel, so if skipped at 10 go back to 8.
- You now have found the max velocity and accel settings for your rotary. Note that as the stepper rpm is increased the torque decreases and you need to have adequate torque for machining. Reliability is more important that speed.
Save Settings and exit MACH.
- Download the following manuals:
Using Mach3 Mill
Mach3 CNC Controller Software and Installation Configuration
- read / refer to in the Using Mach3 Mill Manual info on:
- read section 5.5, 6.2.3, 6.2.12,10.1.5 and 10.1.6
- Gcode commands: G0,G1,G90,G91 then G93,G94,G95 ( You may want to compare Haas command definition to the Mach3 defintions of the commands)
- read / refer to in Mach3 CNC Controller Software and Installation Configuration
- Section
- Page 5-37 about Rotational: settings
- Page 5-39 about Axis DRO Properties
To be continued,