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Author Topic: Can't get MDI to work in the standard mill screen.  (Read 1641 times)

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Can't get MDI to work in the standard mill screen.
« on: June 25, 2017, 01:41:50 PM »
I'm one of those rare birds that uses Turn most of the time & am comfortable with it.  (XP w/parallel port.)

The few times I use Mill (standard screenset) something almost always goes wrong; usually self-inflicted.  This time it's the MDI line.  I press alt+2 & the line pops up as normal but when I type in a command, I get a beep as soon as I press enter & no movement from the motor.  Even something simple like "G00 Y2."  Jog works OK; just no MDI.

This is a new build & I only have the Y-axis hooked up & enabled for testing/alignment.  Any guesses to what I'm forgetting?
Milton from Tennessee ya'll.
Re: Can't get MDI to work in the standard mill screen.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2017, 06:18:22 PM »
Computers are so strange.  I connected my back-up CNC PC, copied over the .xml  & it works fine now.  Day of the week ends in Y I guess. ::)
Milton from Tennessee ya'll.