Thanks for the reply vmax549, I know about the rotation function where you can enter the degrees to rotate the job, it's in the MDI screen. What I am looking for is an automated function that will adjust the nc path using two reference points along the axis that is "skew". This is a standard function in controllers like BURNY, LYNX from WESCAN etc. I have searched the forum but did not find what I am looking for. It seems that I will have to write some code in a custom screen with a dialogue whether by drop down menu or button click. If I'm on the wrong way, or am overlooking something, please tell me, I don't mind being called stupid.

To elaborate, when you load a plate on a profile cutting machine, especialy thick heavy plates, you have a hard time to line it up with the rails of the cutting machine. As I said before, with generic cnc controllers you can jog to the bottom corner of the plate, set reference point A, then jog to the top corner and set reference point B. Then the controller will adjust the cutting job to follow the plate as it lies.
I have attached a photo of my machine it its semi complete stage.
Best regards,