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Author Topic: Mach3 beginner wanting to know how to get 6 axis on the software  (Read 3190 times)

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Hey guys!!

I am new to the whole mach3 software so I am making my way through the videos and I am learning as I go along. I just wanted to know how I can adapt the programme to get 6 linear axis, what I mean is +/- x, y and z. Is there a way to mirror the x, y,z axes on mach 3 and if so how? Also, as it is a double sided cnc machine I would like the top and bottom axes to mirror each other as it goes along. Any ideas or suggestions would be kindly appreciated thank you.
Re: Mach3 beginner wanting to know how to get 6 axis on the software
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 09:17:52 PM »
I haven't tried to do as you are suggesting but it is simple enuf to 'slave' one axis to another.

On the Config/Ports and Pins/Motor Outputs page if you enter the exact port/pin/active low settings in the A axis as you
used in the X axis then the A axis will behave indenticaly to the X axis. Would that be at least part way to what you require?

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Mach3 beginner wanting to know how to get 6 axis on the software
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 07:22:26 AM »
Yes thank you very much joeaverage,

I had a feeling it was something around that area but I just thought to confirm it with an expert in the field thank you.
So does that mean if I create g code for example g00xoyozo then it will also be g00a0b0co, actually a better example would be g02 x10 y15 z11 then it will also be g02 a10 b15 c11? If so then that's great.

Most of the time we would like our z axis to move together.
There are three processes the machine needs to be able to demonstrate. All three processes require the movement of x and y axes definitely.
One can be demonstrated by mirroring which is what you have just explained, the second is a local support process which requires a slight tool offset between the z axes tools. This means that the top tool needs to be slightly ahead of the bottom tool but going to the same velocity. Its a deformation process. How would you set this offset?

The final process require  the movement of both z tools but then one tool stays at the side of the bed while the top tool deforms the material.

I hope I have explained this well enough and that you understand, if not please feel free to correct me on terminology or ask more questions.

Re: Mach3 beginner wanting to know how to get 6 axis on the software
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 07:24:54 AM »
Also is it ok to call the spindle as the z axis? As we have 2 spindles, what is the best way of mirroring two spindles on mach3? Or activating two spindles?