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Author Topic: Q word missing error when running G83?  (Read 8187 times)

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Re: Q word missing error when running G83?
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2017, 01:24:14 PM »
But it is probably a rather simple edit of the CamBAM post processor to fix the issue.

Yup. Thanks for steering me to the solution.

In CamBAM, you can set G81, G82, G83 to be modal by editing the post processor in the settings menu.

From the primary screen in the GUI, in the file tree on the left side of the window, go to the System/Post Processors/yourpostprocessorname folder

Scroll down to the Canned Cycles settings.

replace as follows:

Drill: {$_g81} {$_x} {$_y} {$_z} {$_r} {$_f}
Drill Dwell: {$_g82} {$_x} {$_y} {$_z} {$p} {$_r} {$_f}
Drill Peck: {$_g83} {$_x} {$_y} {$_z} {$p} {$_q} {$_r} {$_f}

Adding the underscore makes the gCode output modal for (G81 G82 G83) codes.

Happy CamBAM, happy Mach 4, no more manual editing!!!

Thanks, all!