I went to the Screen Editor, clicked on the X DRO value – the variable droCurrentX highlighted on the LHS. Then I clicked on Properties -> Events, went to RHS (….) of On Update Script, then a new Lua file opened.
I typed the following code in this new LUA file:
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local Xcoords = scr.GetProperty("droCurrentX","Value")
local hreg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, string.format("PoKeys_Lathe"))
mc.mcRegSetValueString(hreg, tostring(Xcoords))
where PoKeys_Lathe is the name of my Pokeys57 card.
I then saved and exited the screen editor. After enabling Mach4 I moved the X-axis – the axis moved as before but the DRO X stayed constant on the value displayed previously. Fur debugging purposes I removed lines 2 to 4 (leaving only local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()) but the problem persisted.
At this point I'm stuck, any help will be very much appreciated,
Kind regards