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off topic- but maybe someone can help
« on: October 01, 2016, 03:13:46 AM »
Hello Chaps,

Inverter setup problem

Sorry to post off topic- but it is saturday here and commercial outlets are all closed

I have a lathe running mach3 and the speed is being controlled by an omron MX2 multi function inverter.
I cannot figure out how this inverter works because i am not an electronics fundi.

The problem is that when i switch mach3 on and toggle "spindle on" the chuck turns very slowly
( about 50 rpm) and when I run a wizard the speed does'nt translate to the motor correctly.

I suspect that there is a parameter within the controller that is not set correctly.

My initialization string ( under general config ) call for S1500 and the "motor config" is set for max 1500
min 300 .

Am I correct in assuming that without any code loaded if i toggle" spindle on" then the motor should run at
1500rpm ?

I have an "eye" which reads the spindle speed correctly but the "S" dro does not show the correct spindle

Help will be appreciated

Fred Evans

think of the trees-- use both sides of the computer paper
Re: off topic- but maybe someone can help
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2016, 04:36:06 AM »
Hi Fred

I am soon to do some speed control on my setup so I have been doing some checking on utube

I am not sure if this video will help you, but he goes through the wiring and setup for his speed control


best of luck
Re: off topic- but maybe someone can help
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2016, 09:28:05 AM »
Yes thank you for the interesting video but my problem is not with sensing the
speed of the spindle.
I have an optical "eye" fitted to the spindle and this is working correctly ( I have checked the
speed with my mechanical tachometer and it is good).
 The problem is that if I set the speed to S1500 ( for example ) by including S1500 in the
"general config" initialization string- then when i toggle the "spindle" toggle the speed that
the motor turns is nowhere near 1500
I suspect that there should be a parameter in the inverter setup which will determine the Hz that
it should be sending to the motor.
any more suggestions
think of the trees-- use both sides of the computer paper
Re: off topic- but maybe someone can help
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2016, 01:55:23 PM »
Fred, been a while since I've heard the word fundi... maybe I'm in the wrong part of the world

1) I know nothing about your inverter but will try to help.

2) I suspect this may be the manual for your range of inverters if you have not got a copy to hand

3) it's not clear from your post above how your inverter is actually controlled.... it can be electronically controlled (if that is the right manual ) via modbus...

Can you get any pictures of the wiring on the inverter?

Can you post your XML profile file (as it will tell me if you have any brains setup plus your machine configuration too)


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”