Hello Chaps,
Inverter setup problem
Sorry to post off topic- but it is saturday here and commercial outlets are all closed
I have a lathe running mach3 and the speed is being controlled by an omron MX2 multi function inverter.
I cannot figure out how this inverter works because i am not an electronics fundi.
The problem is that when i switch mach3 on and toggle "spindle on" the chuck turns very slowly
( about 50 rpm) and when I run a wizard the speed does'nt translate to the motor correctly.
I suspect that there is a parameter within the controller that is not set correctly.
My initialization string ( under general config ) call for S1500 and the "motor config" is set for max 1500
min 300 .
Am I correct in assuming that without any code loaded if i toggle" spindle on" then the motor should run at
1500rpm ?
I have an "eye" which reads the spindle speed correctly but the "S" dro does not show the correct spindle
Help will be appreciated
Fred Evans