I opted to junk my orig steppers because I already had modern Hybrid steppers on a manual series 1 Bridgeport that I converted to CNC and they should be better than the 20+yr old Bridgeport ones. Actually they are still on the manual conversion and my BOSS is not completed yet. I am waiting until I move to my new workshop before I do the final swap over of motors and limits, should be soon I hope.
Anyway heres a breakdown of all costs including the purchase of the mill and subsequent selling of motors and BOSS boards on eBay.
Series1 CNC = £400
916oz/in steppers = £270
Gecko G202 = £230
PMDX 122 breakout board = £45
Nemicon MPG = £45
Limit switches (Industrial Hobbies optical)= £85
power supply (could be salvaged from original controls) = £50
Various bits and bobs (switches,wires, materials for brackets, etc) £200
17inch Touch screen = £260
Keyboard with touchpad =£40
Computer = £150
Mach3 software = £85
Time = free
Sold parts of the CNC that I didn't need and got £300 back
total = £1500 = approx $2600
If you opt to go with the orig steppers John S has some wiring diags for connecting them to geckos, I will see if I can find a link or hopefully John will see this and post it himself.