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Author Topic: PicEngrave & Impact Engraving  (Read 11757 times)

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Re: PicEngrave & Impact Engraving
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2016, 09:55:57 AM »
GIMP does the same - the image remains same size, but when I open it in PEP, it shows different size which seems to be derived from the DPI.

Re: PicEngrave & Impact Engraving
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2016, 10:11:50 AM »
Try compensating the size by pixels instead of inches. As you know, PEP calculates the engraving size based on the Pixel Resolution setting (step over), so calculate the pixel width & height based on that. Example: if you want it 1" X 1" and the Pixel Resolution setting is .01", the Pixel size should be 100W X 100H.  Also, since your image is real small, don't rely on the dithering outcome how it views on a large monitor.
Extensivly Re-worked/Re-designed/Modified Servo K2CNC KG-3925 and the Mini Laser Engraver