I'm boulding 3axis router with TB6560 4 axis board, nema 23 stepper motors and I need help. I have a problem that my steppers stall. I know that i did everything right with my pins, ports, steps per revolution, calculated all frequancy. I can move all axis in both directions, but somtimes it stall anyway. TB6560 board has dip switches for current,decay mode and microsteping. I noticed that I get much more stall in 100% current setting, that seem weird to me. Then I started looking for fault which is causing all the stalling.
On TB6560 board there are 4 led lights which indicates that 4 axis works. I noticed that X axis led is always on, even if my mach3 isn't on (computer is on). If i turn on mach3 I can move my axis frealy but it sometimes stall.When i try to move X axis the led (that is always on), dims a bit. I know that my parallel cable is ok, because i checked ir with multimeter and swapped to another cable. Does there is some kind an option or something,maybe in BIOS, I don't know, which I can adjust, to stop sending signal all the time to this pin, or somehow to chance port.
P.S.: If i put my TB6560 to another computer (old very slow laptop with XP,which has parallel connection. It was too slow, so i bought another computer with clean xp install, on which the LED is always on.), the X axis led is on only when I opertate, in the way it should be. And the all axis move much faster. Same steps per rev,acceleralions and so on, only the LED doesnt gleam all the time. But i cant use this laptop because its to slow.
Maybe there are people who had similar trouble. Need a solution. Thanks.