Not sure about duplicating the fault, they both occurred towards the end of the last tool path.
By the last pass I take it that it was the finish pass.
What you can do is insert some code such that there would be a move to a check location
along with a short dwell so you can inspect position to see if skipping occurred.Strategicaly place it
in the program ( can be in multipe places ) to see if yo can repeat the problem. If it's random then it is difficult and may not yield any results. I have a seperate digital read out on my mill so can compare against the DRO.Poor mans readout can be a a simple mark / something on the motor shaft so you can check position at some point in time. Skipping can occur and you won't even hear it and result can be that the axis continues on with a loss of position or the axis just runs away.
What is important is how much torque you have while machining at feedrate. In the machining you have a lot of very small combination moves and thus the accel is almost instant in time. You shold minimize the torque required to just move the axis and have ample torque available for required acceleration of the code
and headroom for machining of the material.
As replied you need to find the cause of the problem. It could be a number of things or combination of
things. Start with basics, be meticulous in what and how you are testing such that you eliminate