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Author Topic: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?  (Read 2875 times)

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Offline Rimmel

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MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:45:16 AM »
Hi, I have been trying to set up a few internal boring/threading tools for mach3.

Usually I set up my main tool using a led touch tool and then set up the other tools accordingly - easy.

But then I get to internal tools, setting the Z axis is the same - but how would I set the X axis as it is internal?

I thought of touching the back of the part and setting it to the negative of the front, but that then throws it all off as Mach3 then changes the offsets for the main tool. I need to be able to set the x axis of the second (internal tool) without changing the offset on the main tool????? (is that right).

Any help really appreciated

Offline RICH

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Re: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2016, 08:07:39 PM »
Using the master tool concept, all of the tools are relative to the master tool.
All of the tools should be front or back tool post and never mix back and front.
Now when you touch off the master tool that surface is a baseline / reference for all the other tools.
So if you touch off to the + side of the indicator that side becomes the reference.
Now you can touch off to that same side with an internal tool by extending that reference ....if you can...adapter over the end of the edge finder..... it's a PITA.....
So touch off to the other side of the  edge finder and adjust based on the diameter of the edge finder.

If you first set your master tool X=0 which is the center of the lathe, Zero World axis, and work in Machine Coordinates, you will have the tool offset difference ( need to take into account the edge finder diameter)
on touch off for any tool.

Make sense?

I probe all my lathes tools using a tool setter in the spindle ( could be anywhere ). It's very accurate +- 0.0002 and repeatable.
See attached pic's.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 08:10:15 PM by RICH »

Offline Rimmel

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Re: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2016, 04:37:05 AM »
Hi thanks for the reply - I actually found what I was doing wrong this morning. I was using the tool screen incorrectly.

thanks for taking the time to reply.


Offline RICH

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Re: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2016, 06:59:16 AM »
Glad you figured it out.
Attached is a pic of my tool set up screen.


Offline rcaffin

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Re: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2016, 06:37:37 AM »
I cheat.
I can run my chuck in reverse, so I put the internal tool 'behind' the centre line and turn a test bar from behind, as it were. If the test bar comes out at 6.78 mm diameter, I enter -6.78 in the X value on the tool table page. This works 100% reliably, as you would expect.
Um - this assumes I have already set up the Master Tool 0 of course. That is ALWAYS an outside tool.


Offline Rimmel

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Re: MacTurn - Tool table setup for internal tools?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2016, 06:44:10 AM »
I cheat.
I can run my chuck in reverse, so I put the internal tool 'behind' the centre line and turn a test bar from behind, as it were. If the test bar comes out at 6.78 mm diameter, I enter -6.78 in the X value on the tool table page. This works 100% reliably, as you would expect.
Um - this assumes I have already set up the Master Tool 0 of course. That is ALWAYS an outside tool.


Exactly what I do - I was just using the tool setup page incorrectly :-(