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Author Topic: Smoothstepper and motor tuning  (Read 33023 times)

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Smoothstepper and motor tuning
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:09:16 AM »
I recently had to re-install Mach3.  Now, when I try to set everything back up, I am having a problem with configuring things in motor tuning.  

I am using Mach 3 Version R3.043.066 and I have tried SmoothStepper ESS_v10r2d1d through ESS_v10eb1a.

When I (re) install Mach3, then test to see if I can access the settings for Motor Tuning, everything seems fine - allowing me to change values, etc..  However, when I install the ESS plugin and attempt to change velocity (for example) in Motor Tuning it will jump to 0.  The curve will become distorted...

I have re-installed Mach multiple times..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Smoothstepper and motor tuning
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2016, 03:52:12 PM »
I have a similar problem with the motor tuning. Plus Mach3 continually sending data to the ESS after setting up the ESS address. Received a lot of help from Greg from Warp9, bought new ESS but same symptoms and faults. Fault occurred after running perfectly for months. Then had to sign in to run Mach3 as if Mach3 had just been installed. (I suspect Windows 10 may be involved). Also installed Mach3 on my laptop and got same results!!

Anyway were you able to find a solution?
Best regards

Offline Mogal

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Re: Smoothstepper and motor tuning
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2016, 04:01:14 PM »
Not sure what ESS your using, but right from Warp9's website:
Link: http://warp9td.com/index.php/sw/software-mach#MachThree

We strongly recommended (January 1st, 2016) that you use Mach3 version 3.043.062 (click to download).   The .062 release is the lock down version that works well, fixing stability issues experienced by people running version .066.
The latest release was Mach3 version 3.043.066. However, a number of people have had stability issues with their systems when using version .066.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Smoothstepper and motor tuning
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2016, 02:52:38 AM »
Then had to sign in to run Mach3 as if Mach3 had just been installed.

This occurs when Mach3 changes the .xml file to an earlier backup (which can be caused by an incorrect shut-down, corrupting the running .xml).

If you are then using this corrupt .xml file (copying it to the new set-up)  re-installing Mach and/or using different PC's will not resolve the problem.

IMO, the way forward is to search the Mach3 \ xmlbackups folder for an earlier .xml file (dated before the problems began) and try that (it needs to be renamed with the correct file extension etc.).
Failing that a fresh install (after deleting the Mach3 folder) and manually entering all the set-up details thereby creating a new .xml file.
