If you've got a moment ................................
I have a little device made by Black and Webster called an Electro-Punch.
Pretty cool and works very well.
(pic soon)Its basically a simple 220 VAC solenoid that gets energized for a few milliseconds with a spring return. Some use a supplied controller to vary the impact which can also be varied by positioning the work at differing distances within the available stroke.
I want to possibly build one that is maybe 2 to 3 times as heavy.
I could scale this one up dimensionally, but it would probably not be correct electrically.
Question is, would there be a formula ... or ? ? ? to determine the coil length, diameter, wire size, # of winds, resistance, ? ? ? ? ?
The one I have has a core (weighted inner moving mass) that is about 2 lbs. and strokes about 2".
I'd like to make one that is about 6-8 lbs.
This would fire once every 5 seconds ..... or so.
Is there a simple way to determine the dimensions and electrical requirements for optimal performance ?
edit: added pic. mine is only slightly different and is 220 V