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Author Topic: Determing THe X and Y direction of the workpiece so it can be in any direction  (Read 5087 times)

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Hi all,

I have a question, does mach3 support the possibility to determine the edges of the workpiece so it can itself determine the X direction and the Y direction to work on rather than the machines X and Y fixed directions.

I have seen other machines who will touch an edge of a workpiece on 2 different points like 50 cm apart and thus the machine knows that this is the X axis and than they touch the other side of the workpiece on 2 different locations and thus that is set as the Y direction.

Than they load in the Gcode and the machine does it job taking into account that the workpiece is not 100% parrallel with the X and Y direction of the machine.

This means you can put a plate not parallel to X and Y on the table and still get the machine to work as if it was perfectly parrallel.

I think it should be able as this is like a problem everybody would face, so i hope this has a simple answer to it and i really hope mach3 is able to do this.

THanks for any help,


Offline BR549

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Yes it is called G68 " Coord Rotation"  .   

(;-) TP

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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There are some details of the G68 Local System Rotate in this thread https://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,22932.0.html


G68 is used in the Gcode to change in XY plane, but it is not what i mean. I mean i want to put a plate on the table for example 15 degrees out of parrallel with the Y axis and than teach the machine that the Y axis is now no longer at 0 degrees but it will be a diagonal line on the bed.

So when i run a program, it will always take into account whezn moving along a same X coordinate that the machine will have to move diagonally as the workpiece is not straight with the Y axis.


Offline BR549

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You cannot just change 1 axis alignment. The 2 act in unision. I do not know of ANY controller that can do that.

NOW with that said you COULD program formulas to alter the path of Y based on X. BUT that is NOT  a standard feature in Gcode. THAT is unique to Mach3 and would have to be dealt with from a MacroScript.

It can be done though, But it COULD get ugly very quickly(;-).

With a G68 you can probe one axis then set the XY coords base to rotate the required number of degrees to line up both axis to the part axis's

(;-) TP
Yes yes, this is what I mean.

Maybe I explained stupid. Both axis are indeed remaining always in a 90 degree angle. That's unchangeable.

The question how do I set the y axis to be in angle. Cause I don't know under which angle my workpiece is under. I want to kind of probe the edge of the workpiece so mach3 knows under which y axis it has to work.

If that is done under a g68 code I have to put it in the code, which I don't want as my code is generated in the postpro perfectly. Mach3 should know that there is an angle and work than the code. You understand what I mean?


Offline BR549

  •  6,965 6,965
You would use a probing routine design to set teh G68. Basically it probes 2 points in say the y then calculates teh Angle deviation then applies that Deviation to teh toolpath.  IF the probign show the axis out of align by 2.5 degrees you would then use G68 from teh MDI or from teh MDI page then is a system rotate entry. Enter the angle offset and Mach3 will rotate the coord base that amount.

IF you do a search you can probably find a macro to do that function. OR there are several SCREENSETS that have the function built in .

(;-) TP

« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 09:17:36 PM by BR549 »
OK, thx,

So this means I will have to buy a probe and connect that somewhere on the mach3 board. And than learn how to work with this in mach3.

Any idea which screensets for a 6 axis machine have these functions build in and are really good?


Offline BR549

  •  6,965 6,965
(;-) Screensets are like religion, I try to stay OUT of those discussions.

(;-) TP
I think i understand what u mean, although I don't see the point yet. Load gcode and press start that is basically all i need the screen for. Oh and auto tool zero but besides... I don't know.