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Author Topic: Mach3 Output 6 and 7  (Read 9344 times)

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Re: Mach3 Output 6 and 7
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2015, 02:31:25 AM »
In Mach3 .... go to "Operator"... then "Brain control...

First click on "Reload all Brains" .... as your new LED brain will not appear....

Once you see your new brain "OP78LED"..... click on it..... and select the check box that says "enable".....

Then select "reload brain"..... then click on the "Ok" at the bottom of the page......

then restart Mach3.....

You now have a loaded and working brain....


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Re: Mach3 Output 6 and 7
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2015, 02:38:28 AM »
Now start MachScreen.....

...... on the Right Hand Side floating toolbar that appears .... click on the "page" dropdown and select the screen you want the LED to appear on.....

..... then click on the dropdown next to the word "control" and select "LED".....

Add the LED to the screen (same way as you did last time).....

This time click on the LED object on the screen..... but when it is selected.....

Where the options say "standard code"   (below where you added the LED function last tie with the OEM / STD LED's).....

and type in "1070".... and hit the Enter Key....

(you have now assigned the User LED code 1070 (output 7) to the LED....

If you want it to be red.... change the colour to red (the options are below the "standard code box" where you entered "1070"....  If you want it to blink.... do the same and select "yes".

Then go and create UserLED 1080... the same way....

save and exit....

Restart Mach.... and your screen should now be displaying the Output LED's ...... if you type in the M codes.... they SHOULD change state.....


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
Re: Mach3 Output 6 and 7
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2015, 01:21:05 PM »
Rob, I did what you said and had a little hickup in the middle but I re-read what you said and it worked out GREAT and I learned a lot!!!  I wanted the OUTPUT LEDS for 7 and 8 to come on and flash when they were active ex. 1071 1081 and then go out when I typed Mcode 1070 1080.  I had to invert the signal to do so, works awesome.  Really pretty trick how this stuff works.  I am in the process of having some machine work done on my mill.  I had my G0704 Z column machined and HIWIN heavy duty linear rails and bearing blocks attached to it and squared to the world.  The base is at a local machine shop here in KC being ground to square the bottom on the base to the top and the side where the Z column mounts.  When I put it all back together, I should not need any shims when I TRAM everything again.  I had the machine running before but when using G83 cycle the gibbs would jump around and I was breaking drill bits.  That is when I decided to take it apart and do the Linear rail conversion.  I am having a metal fab shop build me an enclosure that will have a V pan in the bottom of it with a screen to filter the big metal shavings then the finer ones will go through the filter prior to going into the coolant tank to be recycled up again.  The reason for the extra relays in my control box are for a Powered Drawbar and an ATC.  I have pretty much all the electronics done for it now except for wiring up a few more limit switches for the FABCO Pancake air cylinder and the ATC air cylinder.  

Thanks for helping me figure that out.  I have to read up on how to make a macro for the tool changer.  I am pretty much copying Tormachs design with a few mods.  I am estimating having about $900.00 To build both the PBD and the ATC combined.

Re: Mach3 Output 6 and 7
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2015, 02:08:18 PM »
Jeff, congratualtions, glad you got it working the way you wanted...

at least now you've had a taste for macros, brains and the screen designer so you're able to customise it as you wish

I have to admit once you start fiddling and learning how it all works it can become addictive as there is nothing that you cannot with a little thought do.... there are a few limitations make no mistake (speed of the m-codes ..[depends upon what you want to do ])  and script / brains exicution loop.

Good luck with your build.... sorry I've not had a need for a tool changer (yet!)...

The main thing is to just read and understand the manuals when compiling macros

.... brains is a little different and you just need to have a play as brains is just logics where as the macros can do a more (conditional statements etc).

Sorry forgot you may have needed to flip the output in brains.... but at least you've got everything the way you wanted.... you can now experiment with a custom screenset maybe some buttons for running macros or key board commands etc etc.

Any questions I'm sure someone will be about to help.


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”