Here Is my final code, I cant thank you enough! THANK YOU!
Sub Main()
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' TPS 19.10.2015
' Toolchange for a 8 place turret (single step)
' V 5.0.1
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' pin2 is mapped to Input1
' pin3 is mapped to Input2
' pin4 is mapped to Input3
' pin5 is mapped to Input4
' charger seated is mapped to OEMTRIG1
'get the new tool ---------------------------------------------------------------
tool = GetSelectedTool()
' nothing to do
If GetSelectedTool() = GetCurrentTool() Then
message("Tool is the same NO tool change needed")
End If
If tool > 8 Or tool < 1 Then 'check tool number to be in range
Message (" Tool " & tool & " is not a valid Number 1-8 ONLY, ENDING Program RUN ")
End If
'get actual starttime
Starttime = Timer
Message "Moving to Tool# " &GetselectedTool()
Akttime = Timer
While Akttime - Starttime < 50 'try until timeout
ActivateSignal(OutPut5) 'unlocks stop dog
Sleep(100) 'wait for a second
ActivateSignal(OutPut6) 'turn air motor on
Sleep(100) 'wait for a second
DeActivateSignal(OutPut5) 'locks stop dog
Sleep(200) 'wait for a second
DeActivateSignal(OutPut6) 'turn air motor off
'check the position
If GetTurret() = tool Then
GoTo finished
End If
Akttime = Timer
If Akttime - Starttime > 40 Then 'Timeout 20s
Message("Turret timeout")
DeActivateSignal(output5) 'locks stop dog
Sleep(1000) 'wait for a second
DeActivateSignal(OutPut6) 'turn air motor off
End If
'recheck the turretpos and retry
If GetTurret() <> tool Then
GoTo tryagain
End If
'look for OEMTRIG1
If Not IsActive(OEMTRIG1) = false Then
MsgBox("Tool changer not seated!")
End If
Message("Tool " & tool & " Loaded")
SetCurrentTool( tool )
End Sub
'function to get the actual turret position
Function GetTurret() As Long
GetTurret = 0
If IsActive(Input1) Then
GetTurret = GetTurret + 1
End If
If IsActive(Input2) Then
GetTurret = GetTurret + 2
End If
If IsActive(Input3) Then
GetTurret = GetTurret + 4
End If
If IsActive(Input4) Then
GetTurret = GetTurret + 8
End If
End Function